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Michael balletti
Scribbler Extraordinaire
"Devotion" (flash fiction) - Crepuscular Magazine, November 2024 (online)
"Down by the Jetty" (short story) - Max Blood's Mausoleum, September 2024 (online)
"Beyond the Firs" (short story*) - adapted for audio performance by Creepy Podcast, February 2024 [subscribe to listen]
"On Hollow Pass" (short story) - Tales from the Clergy, July 2023 [buy]
"Set in Stone" (short story*) - adapted for audio performance by Tall Tale TV, May 2022 [listen]
"Lovecrafthaiku" (poems) - Lovecraftiana: Vol. 7, Issue 1, Walpurgisnacht 2022 [buy]
"Through the Cracks" (drabble) - Martian Magazine, February 2022 (online)
Also available to purchase here and here
"Deliverance" (poem) - Page & Spine, December 2021 (online)
"Field Trip" (drabble) - Sci-Fi Lampoon Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Autumn 2021 [buy]
"Unrequited" (drabble) - Haunted MTL, August 2021 (online)
"Ashley's Dessert" (short story) - adapted for audio performance by Thirteen Podcast, June 2021 [subscribe to listen]
"Lovecrafthaiku" (poems) - Lovecraftiana: Vol. 5, Issue 4, Candlemas 2021 [buy]
Also available to purchase in Omnibus Book Five [buy]
"Scifaiku" (poem) - Scifaikuest, August 2020 [buy]
"Beyond the Firs" (short story) - Novel Noctule, Issue 3, March 2020 (online)
"North Pole Calling" (short story) - Eerie Christmas, November 2019 [buy]
"Frolic on 13th Street" (short story) - The Weird and Whatnot, Issue 3,
November 2019 [buy]
"The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination."
— H.P. Lovecraft
"Phases" (drabble) - Monsters: A Horror Microfiction Anthology, August 2019 [buy]
"The Big Hit" (drabble) - Angles: A Divine Microfiction Anthology, July 2019 [buy]
"Scifaiku" (poems) - Scifaikuest, February 2019 (website)
"Two Sentence Horror" - Nothing's Sacred: Volume 4, October 2018 (website)
"Secret Rendezvous" (drabble) - Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles,
June 2018 [buy]
"Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places."
— Leonardo Da Vinci
"Santa's Workshop" (flash fiction) - 200 CCs: Christmas Contest, December 2016 (online)
Also available to purchase in 200 CCs: Year One [buy]
"Set in Stone" (short story) - Theme of Absence, January 2017 (online)
"Turnaround" (flash fiction) - The Last Line, Winter 2016 [buy]
"First Time" (flash fiction) - Postcard Shorts, July 2016 (no link)
"Snow Day" (short story) - Sanitarium Magazine, Issue 24, August 2014 [buy]
"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell."
— Oscar Wilde
"The Depths of Night" (poem) - Illumen, October 2006 (website)
"The Slide" (short story) - Black Satellite, Volume 1, Issue 3, Summer 2002 (no link)
"Salvation" (short story) - MindMares Magazine, Contest Issue, Volume 2, Issue 1,
December 1999 (no link)
"Judgement Day" (short story) - The Threshold, Volume 3, Issue 1, Summer 1999 (no link)
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